
This project is being funded thanks to the collaboration of Glovo

UNICEF has been preparing and responding to the epidemic of COVID-19 around the world, knowing that the virus could spread to children and families in any country or community. UNICEF will continue working with governments and our partners to stop transmission of the virus, and to keep children and their families safe. In addition, it encourages hand washing and provides clean water, soap and baths needed to maintain proper hygiene and prevent infection.




Donated of €3,805



Protect children and their families against coronavirus

A campaign by



Direct beneficiaries

Those people who have naturally benefited from the campaign's interventions


Indirect beneficiaries

Those identifiable people who will potentially receive an effect from the campaign's activities


Coronavirus emergency pushes hospital’s capacity and their personnel to limit. 16% of hospitals and health centers worldwide do not have handwashing facilities, and the global shortage of protective material for healthcare professionals is one of the great challenges.

For this reason, UNICEF maintains its programs to avoid contagion by supplying to health staff masks, as well as gloves, glasses, protective suits, and medications and hygiene kits to health clinics. Handwashing is the fundamental practice to prevent transmission. However, only 3 out of 5 people worldwide have basic handwashing facilities.

At the same time, information and advice about the coronavirus and its risks, and guidance and advice are being offered to governments, teachers, school leaders and families on the best way to protect yourself and your family, in order to contain the spread of COVID- 19.

Updates and links

unicef (web)

accredited by lealtad
Campaign objectives

Prevent diseases that affect children and their families, such as the coronavirus.

  • Provision of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), which includes protective outerwear, gloves, boots, goggles or a face shield, and a mask, essential medications and COVID-19 detection tests.
Who will benefit?

UNICEF works to provide health personnel with supplies such as gloves, masks, goggles and protective suits; and to ensure that children and their families have soap and water for washing their hands and clear information on how to prevent infections.

For example, with € 5,000 would be possible to distribute 486 surgical masks and 13,574 pairs of gloves.




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